PAST 2.0
Penetration Aircraft Skin Trainer (PAST) 2.0 is a proven platform for repetitive HRET and agent application training
FAA AIP funding available
Comprehensive HRET training
PAST 2.0 is the only onsite training tool that can realistically replicate an aircraft fuselage. It is the best solution to comprehensively train HRET operators on aircraft skin penetration, vehicle operation, deployment and setup as well as comply with FAA certification requirements.

Improve proficiency with repetitive onsite training
Aircraft events occur infrequently so you need to be prepared to respond quickly and confidently. PAST 2.0 provides a realistic hands-on approach to repetitively train for multiple real world scenarios. It builds your operational skills so that you can make the correct decisions in an emergency.
Real world training for real world events
PAST 2.0 is an excellent HRET trainer for aircraft skin penetration. With the optional Wing Module (WM) and Elevating (ELV) assembly, extend training scenarios to external fires, aircraft of different heights and even aircraft that land without their wheels intact. Be prepared by training for less than ideal conditions.

Develop agent application techniques
Your ARFF firefighting toolkit includes multiple agent application appliances. By simulating actual aircraft conditions, PAST 2.0 helps you develop the best techniques for these appliances. Understanding when and how to appropriately use them can determine the outcome of the event.
Instructions for foundation requirements/placement and replacement panel installation
Replacement Panels
Request a quote for replacement penetration panels
Resource links
HRET best practices, FAA related documents and more
Airport Professional Services is committed to providing HRET training tools and promoting the science of agent application efficiency
To accomplish this goal, our mission is to provide solutions that help train and prepare ARFF departments for all kinds of aircraft events with the intent of improving the overall outcome of any aircraft incident
© 2024 Airport Professional Services, LLC